PIYO Hardcore on the Floor - Review

PIYO Hardcore on the Floor, came as a "free bonus" workout when you order the PIYO system from a Beach Body Coach.

Clocking in at 33:30 you start out with a series of body rolls and then you hit the floor where you will spend the rest of the workout.
So the segments are:
warm up
primal to traditional
plank to elbow plank
back extensions & cool down

Featured moves in primal to traditional are beast, kick thrus, on arm body lifts into crunch, v-sits, upper body crunch, scissors crunches, oblique extension crunches,

Primal moves are rolling like a ball, PIYO pedal, side planks crunches, kneeling kicks, beast alternating hand taps and roman twist.
In plank to elbow plank segment, the exercises are knee pulls and leg extension in plank position, hip taps, down dog splits with ankle taps, and plank walks,.

Back extension segment contain various iterations of the super man. Chalene calls one of the moves a sea turtle.

I like the flow of this workout and I like the soundtrack. This workout was also challenging for me and I felt it was a bit more unique than some of the other workouts. Could be the way the moves were sequenced.

In almost every workout, Chalene is telling us we should either take a live PIYO class and/or get certified to teach PIYO.  It's annoying at times but I can also appreciate her passion.

This workout is at the top of the pile for me.
3 & 3/4 stars


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