Madeleine Lewis AM & PM Stretch DVD - Thoughts

AM & PM Stretch contains two 30 minute workouts and both workouts are led by Madeleine Lewis.

AM Stretch starts in the seated position with c curve stretching. Madeleine has you lie back for a series of knee pulls. The workout contains quite a bit of dynamic stretching. For each stretch, you will do a series of dynamic stretches (around 6 to 8 reps) and then you will hold the stretch in a static position.
Madeleine also include joint mobility moves that work the ankles, low back, outer hip and shoulder.
While most of the stretches are done in the supine position, Madeleine does include lying side stretches, stretches on all fours,  variations on the downward dog.  and standing stretches.

The music is just absolutely blah. I know it is probably meant to be soothing but it was soothing enough to put you to sleep.
Besides the music, I liked this workout.  It felt great after a 4 mile treadmill run.

PM Stretch start with standing stretches and vigorous arm (almost full body) swings and back arch contractions.  There are some dynamic stretches but I would say there are probably more static stretching in this workout.  Madeleine takes you to the ground - lying in the prone position for quad stretches.  You then move into seated posture for some forward, side bend and outer hip stretching. Madeleine also stretches and massages the feet and ankles.
You go back to lying down but this time in the supine position stretching the inner and outer thigh and hamstrings.  The workout concludes with seated shoulder and triceps stretching.
The music was slightly and I do mean slightly more interesting than that played in AM.
I like this workout as well and I think both stretch workouts on this DVD are pretty good.

Both workouts are filmed outside and both workout are narrated. The narration is great and is perfectly in sync with the workout.

AM Stretch - 4 stars
PM Stretch - 4 stars


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