PIYO Disc 1 - Review

PIYO Disc 1 contains the following workouts:
Align:  The Fundamentals
Define:  Lower Body
Define:  Upper Body

Align:  The Fundamentals is not so much a workout as it is an introduction to the PIYO program. Chalene and cast (3 members) take you through a series of moves that you will be doing throughout the PIYO program.   Much of Align is Chalene talking and demonstrating various moves and telling you why you are doing what you are doing.
Expect to spend quite a bit of time standing around.
Topics in Align are:
Neutral Posture
Best Posture
Spinal Flexion
Extended Spine
Forward Fold
Lower Body (High Lunge, Low Lunge, Runner's Lunge)
Yoga Poses (Plank, Child's Pose, Tricep Push-Up, Chaturanga & Up Dog, Down Dog, Down Dog Split, Open Hip Down Dog, Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Right Angle, Triangle, Flow, Warrior 3, Half Moon)
PIYO Moves (PIYO Push-up, 3 Point Balance, Crouching Push Up, Side Plank, PIYO Pike, PIYO Flip, Beast, Kick Thru)
Align:  The Fundamentals clocks in at 42:03.  You need a mat and a chair is optional.

Define: Lower Body clocks in at 20:59.  It takes you through a series of moves that you learned in Align that focuses on Lower Body.  A mat is used. 
The segments in this workout are:
Warm up.  This warm up shows up in other workouts.
Heat Building: This is a sun-salutation segment
Warrior Series
Balance Series
Down Dog Series

Other than the Sun Salutation series (which I really didn't enjoy and thought it was more upper body work than lower), I quite enjoyed the rest of the workout.

Define: Upper Body clock in at 18:48.
The workout starts out on all fours on the the floor.
The segments are:
Full Body Fusion (Planks, PIYO Pike, roll ups, criss cross (bicycle) crunches)
Core & More (side planks, PIYO Pike, v-sits, roll like a ball, the beast, kick thru)
Strength Series (Tricep Push Up, crouching pushups)

Sweat is a 37 minute workout.  It features all the moves that you did in Align, Lower Body, and Upper Body.  The warm up in this workout is very similar to the warm up used in Define:  Lower Body.
Segments are:
Warm UP
Heat (starts out by being a continuation to the warm up and then moves into a PIYO sun salutations)
Lower Body (warrior poses)
Plank & Core (PIYO push-ups
Power (this was my favorite segment. and I did sweat.  Plie squats and burpees were the feature moves in this segment.
Stretch & Strength - pigeon stretch and tricep push-ups

Other than thinking there were too many sun-salutations in the workout, I liked Sweat.

These workouts on Disc 1 are not big calorie burners.  I did feel stretched out and I felt the challenge on certain exercise.  Each workout has a modifier.  Chalene also has someone demonstrating more advanced moves from time to time.

Align:  The Fundamental - 3 & 1/4 stars
Define:  Lower Body - 3 & 1/2 stars
Define:  Upper Body - 3 stars
Sweat - 3 & 3/4 stars


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