Weight Watchers At Work - The PointsPlus Program

I started Weight Watchers at Work yesterday, but I am making today my official start day. And while I did my best to "out train a bad diet" I had to admit to myself that it (my diet) just was not working and that it was limiting any progress I was making with my workouts. One week I would do good and then one, maybe two weeks I would do bad - blah, blah, blah - etc, etc, etc.

Now I am signed up for a 17 week program that meets on Wednesdays at work. The cost for 17 weeks is $186 and it comes with 19 weeks of "free" etools.

I get 31 points a day. I get 49 additional points for the week. I get to earned up to 42 activity points a week. I can swap the activity points for food points. Don't know if I will do that or not.

What I already like about the program is that all fruit has a zero pointsplus value. I love fruit. So that is good.

Looking ahead, I do think it might become cumbersome if not time-consuming calculating the point values of recipes and restaurant food. We will see how that goes. I will need to work out a strategy and some patience for that.


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