Tony Horton P90 Speed Series - Thoughts

Continuing with the P90 workout system, the next disc we will talk about is the Speed Series DVD.
This DVD contains the following workouts:
Speed Sculpt
Speed Sweat
Speed Abs
Horton's Greatest Hits

Speed Sculpt clocks in at around 25 minutes.  Tony starts the workout with his standard warm up. After the warm up, Tony takes you through two rounds of seven exercises.  Like the other workouts, each exercise is time and the times vary. For resistance, Tony has you using your own bodyweight, the bands or dumbbells.  There is a brief one minute cool down.

Speed Sweat clocks in at around 24 minutes.  There is a warm up and two rounds of exercises. There are 8 moves per round and they are timed.  The Speed Sweat workout moves right into the Speed Abs workouts.  There is not a cool down. 

Speed Abs clocks in at 6:55.  There are 5 moves and you are performing each move for a minute. Most of the moves in this workout are performed in the prone or plank position.

Horton's Greatest Hits features some of Tony's favorite moves. It is a body weight workout.  No equipment used.  Tony takes you through two rounds of 11 exercises in each round.  You repeat the same 11 exercises per round. You get a 30 second break between the rounds. The workout runs around 34 minutes.


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