
Showing posts from July, 2014

Cathe RoadTrip 2014

Cathe RT Gear After Kickbox Class Cathe Road Trip 2014 There were no big announcements. Cathe mentioned when ask that she might be ready to film the next series. Ripped with HiiT in another 4 weeks or so. The filming studio Before Step Class After Spin Class More Cathe Gear, the towel you could purchase, someone donated the dixie cups Table Picture With Cathe

Madeleine Lewis AM & PM Stretch DVD - Thoughts

AM & PM Stretch contains two 30 minute workouts and both workouts are led by Madeleine Lewis. AM Stretch starts in the seated position with c curve stretching. Madeleine has you lie back for a series of knee pulls. The workout contains quite a bit of dynamic stretching. For each stretch, you will do a series of dynamic stretches (around 6 to 8 reps) and then you will hold the stretch in a static position. Madeleine also include joint mobility moves that work the ankles, low back, outer hip and shoulder. While most of the stretches are done in the supine position, Madeleine does include lying side stretches, stretches on all fours,  variations on the downward dog.  and standing stretches. The music is just absolutely blah. I know it is probably meant to be soothing but it was soothing enough to put you to sleep. Besides the music, I liked this workout.  It felt great after a 4 mile treadmill run. PM Stretch start with standing stretches and vigorous arm (a...

PIYO Strength DVD - Review

PIYO Strength DVD.  This DVD is part of the deluxe package. Along with the DVD you get a set of discs. The DVD contains two workouts: - Full Body Blast - Strong Legs Full Body Blast clocks in at 29:13 and it has the following segments: warm up dynamic & static legs core & more supine arms & abs hamstrings & cool down Working with the discs was challenging.  It definitely took the workouts up a notch for me.  These were the workouts that could have been called "Sweat" and/or "Drench".  Even though I didn't feel as if I were doing a cardio workout, I definitely felt a cardio effect from the workout. Strong Legs clocks in at 25:09.  I did this workout right after the Full Body Blast workout and I probably  should not have done that because I got annoyed that many of the moves/exercises in Strong Legs, I had just done in Full Body Blast. I wanted more variety or something different for the Strong Leg workouts. Plus this wor...

PIYO Hardcore on the Floor - Review

PIYO Hardcore on the Floor , came as a "free bonus" workout when you order the PIYO system from a Beach Body Coach. Clocking in at 33:30 you start out with a series of body rolls and then you hit the floor where you will spend the rest of the workout. So the segments are: warm up primal to traditional primal plank to elbow plank back extensions & cool down Featured moves in primal to traditional are beast, kick thrus, on arm body lifts into crunch, v-sits, upper body crunch, scissors crunches, oblique extension crunches, Primal moves are rolling like a ball, PIYO pedal, side planks crunches, kneeling kicks, beast alternating hand taps and roman twist. In plank to elbow plank segment, the exercises are knee pulls and leg extension in plank position, hip taps, down dog splits with ankle taps, and plank walks,. Back extension segment contain various iterations of the super man. Chalene calls one of the moves a sea turtle. I like the flow of this workout an...

PIYO Disc 3 - Review

PIYO Disc 3 comes with the following workouts: Drench Sculpt Bonus: TurboFire Low HiiT 20 Drench clocks in at 48:08 and it contains the following segments: warm up Heat Legs Plank & Core Power Beast & Kick Thrus Flow Stretch & Strength The best way for me to describe Drench is so say that it is a combination of all the workouts on disc 1 combined into a single workout.  Chalene is barefoot in this workout and as in the other workouts there is a beginner modifier and from time to time someone is showing more advanced moves.  The workout is okay.  I will say that Chalene is excellent in this series.  Her motivation tips and cuing have been spot on.   Sculpt clocks in at 26:40.  Chalene has shoes on in this workout and she also uses a chair in the Triceps and Buns segments. In this segment she is doing triceps dips and bridge work. You can do these off the floor as well. The sections are: warm up Lunges, Bowlers, and S...

PIYO Disc 2 - Review

PIYO Disc 2 contains the following workouts: Core Buns Strength Intervals In the first group of workouts, Chalene worked barefoot.  In these three workout, she works with shoes but she tells you that you have the option to do either.  Along with Chalene, there are three cast members one of which offers beginner modifications. Also with these DVDs, there is advertisement for various Beach body, PIYO, or Turbo wear services or products. Core is 30 minutes and 18 seconds in length. It starts with a cat cow warm up. Then moves into Standing Core. The exercises featured in the Standing Core section are standing crunches and standing oblique crunches done first on the right side of the body and then moving to the left. The next segment features prone exercises. Down Dog Split and ankle taps, along with planks are some of the exercises in this segment. Supine and side planks is the next segment.  Exercises are criss-cross crunches, knee switch holds, and roll u...

PIYO Disc 1 - Review

PIYO Disc 1 contains the following workouts: Align:  The Fundamentals Define:  Lower Body Define:  Upper Body Sweat Align:  The Fundamentals is not so much a workout as it is an introduction to the PIYO program. Chalene and cast (3 members) take you through a series of moves that you will be doing throughout the PIYO program.   Much of Align is Chalene talking and demonstrating various moves and telling you why you are doing what you are doing. Expect to spend quite a bit of time standing around. Topics in Align are: Neutral Posture Best Posture Spinal Flexion Extended Spine Forward Fold Lower Body (High Lunge, Low Lunge, Runner's Lunge) Yoga Poses (Plank, Child's Pose, Tricep Push-Up, Chaturanga & Up Dog, Down Dog, Down Dog Split, Open Hip Down Dog, Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Right Angle, Triangle, Flow, Warrior 3, Half Moon) PIYO Moves (PIYO Push-up, 3 Point Balance, Crouching Push Up, Side Plank, PIYO Pike, PIYO Flip, Beast, Kick Thr...

PIYO Workout System - Information

 PiYo .  Chalene Johnson and Beachbody's newest workout system. Yep. Another system. If you get the deluxe set, you get a total of 12 workouts. The system comes packaged quad fold DVD cardboard case that is quite colorful. Picture three is the front cover.  The workouts come on three DVDs that slide into the first three slots in the quad fold. The last slot is reserved for the extras. The extras are the quick start guide (quad folding 8 page guide), the eating plan (26 pages, last 6 pages Beach Body advertising. There is also a wall calendar than you unfold and pin up on the wall as well as a tape measure. If you get the deluxe system the slot is big enough to slide those workouts in as well. That's about it. I will post reviews of the workout as I do them. Front Cover

July 2014 Montly Rotation

July 2014 For July, I will start off with doing PIYO by Chalene Johnson. Then I will add workouts from Cathe's Xtrain and 2013 series. Sprinkled in I have a couple of Anna Benson Live workouts and Figure 8 Fitness featuring Jaana Kunitz. CRT 2014 is Cathe's Road Trip.