Cathe Pyramid Lower + Upper Body Bonus Combo Premix - Thoughts

 Pyramid Lower + Upper Body Combo Premix is a premix that comes on  the Pyramid Lower Body and Pyramid Upper Body DVD.  The premix is called Bonus Combo and it is 54 minutes in length.

The Bonus Combo workouts features the "Up" pyramid exercises from the two workouts.

In the main two workouts, Cathe takes you up the pyramid where you do less reps and more weight.  She then takes you back down the pyramid where you do more reps and less weight.

I like the two main workout a lot.  This is the first time that I have tried the Bonus Combo Premix and I like this one as well.

In this premix, Cathe does two lower body exercises before moving on to do one to two upper body exercises.

I noticed that I wasn't as efficient as Cathe and crew in changing out my barbell weight.  There were a couple of times when I messed reps and had to reverse the DVD.  Cathe repeats the Leg Press exercises twice and the Bonus Combo does not include any floor work.

The next time I do a total body rotation,  I will probably add this premix to the rotation.   4 & 1/4 stars.


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