October 2017 Monthly Rotation

October 2017 Monthly Rotation

Well I was suppose to have a 5K race today but it was cancelled due to low participation.  My next race will be the MCM10K on the 22nd.

In the mean time, I am getting geared up for the Cathe Road Trip in Daytona Florida.
I am also transitioning from getting ready for the Cathe Daytona Trip to Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Challenge. Her challenge is 8 weeks but I am probably only going to do 5 weeks.

October Breakdown:
Sunday - Cardio Coach and/or Road Race
Monday - Jillian Michaels
Tuesday - Michelle Dozois
Wednesday - Jillian Michaels
Thursday - Michelle Dozois
Friday - Michelle Dozois
Saturday - Rest Day

New workouts to review:  All of Jillian workouts are new to me as is Essentrics Full Body Toning workout.


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