Autumn Calabrese Country Heat Dance Mash-Up

Dance Mash-Up is the bonus workout that came with the base Country Heat system.  Dance Mash-Up clocks in at just over 19 minutes.  This workout includes Autumns favorite moves from the previous routines.
The format is the same. Autumn teaches two moves and then combines those moves before moving on to the next group of moves.
The workout concludes with a 2-minute cool down.

I think I forgot to mentioned in the other workouts is that the Country Heat series does include a modifier in all the workouts.

Dance Mash Up  - 3 stars

Overall opinion of the whole series. 
All the routines were very easy to follow and do.  I like the fact that all the workouts were around 30 minutes or less.  It makes the system a great way to get 30 minutes of cardio in or to get your steps in for the day.
There is not much variety.  The routines seemed pretty much the same across the board and there is a good bit of repetition within each routine.
Autumn and the cast were fun and did a good job in keeping the energy level up in all the workouts.
Like any other workout system, some of the music I like and some of it I didn't.


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