Amy Bento Abs & Stretch - Thoughts

Abs & Stretch is part of the first group of workouts that Amy Bento put out.   It consist of two ab workouts and 2 stretch workouts.  Stretch Section 1 is around 11 minutes in length. The other three segments are around 15 minutes each.

Abs section 1 is a high rep workout and features standing and seated abs work.  Ab section 1 has a short warm up  Ab section 2 focuses on planks and working your abs using the stability ball. If you are doing abs 2 as its on workout, there is not a warm up for it.  Both workouts use dumbbells.

Both stretch workouts use a resistance band and a mat.  Stretch section 2 is a standing stretch workout and Stretch section 2 is a floor based workout. 

The DVD menu:
Play Program
   Back to Main Menu
   Abs Section 1
   Abs Section 2
   Stretch Section 1
   Stretch Section 2

These workouts were okay.  You can play all the sections as one workout by hitting Play Program. Although,  I like to use them as add-ons.  Along with Amy, there are two other class participants.

Abs 1 - 3 stars
Abs 2 - 3 & 1/2 stars
Stretch 1 - 3 & 1/4 stars
Stretch 2 - 3 & 1/2 stars


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