Kelly Coffey Meyer Lean Body Circuts - Review

Lean Body Circuits is a 30 Minute To Fitness Kelly Coffey Meyer Spring 2015 release.
It features two 30 minutes interval style workouts and both workouts follow the same format. The format is cardio, boxing, lower body, and upper body.  With this format the first two intervals or circuits are high intensity and then the workout slows down a bit when you pick up weights to execute the lower and upper body exercises.

Along with Kelly there are four cast members.  There is a modifier.  Also, the voice is back.  The voice calls time when you are nearing the end of the exercise and it is time to move on.  Kelly is having a great time in this workout. Love her energy and enthusiasm. 

The DVD Menu:
Workout One
Workout Two

There are tons of premixes in this one:
Combined Workouts (52 minutes) this is the workout I did
Lean Body Weights (27 min)
Lean Body Cardio (33 min)
Lean Body Hi-Lo (20 min)
Lean Body Boxing (20 min)
Lean Body Legs (17 min)
Lean Upper Body (18 min)
Combined Workout (No hi low) (39 min)
Combined Workout (no boxing) (39 min)
Combined Workout (no legs) (43 min)
Combined Workout (no upper body) (42 min)
Hi lo and Legs (30 min)
Boxing and legs (30 min)
Hi-lo and upper body (30 min)
Boxing and upper body (31 min)

4 & 1/4 stars


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