21 Day Fix Disc 1 - Review

Disc 1 of the 21 Day Fix Workout System features the following workouts:
Total Body Cardio Fix
Upper Fix
Lower Fix
Pilates Fix
10 Minute Fix For Abs

Overall, all workouts follow a similar pattern which is a series of rounds containing two exercises each and you repeat the round before moving on.You perform each exercise for roughly a minute and you get a 15 to 20 second rest between the exercises.
Also, like most Beachbody systems, each workout contains the countdown timer in the lower right corner.  These workouts also contain subtitles that tell you which exercises you are doing and it tells you for how long and/or how many reps.  Love this feature.
Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, and Lower Fix contain the same warm up moves and cool down moves.  Roughly the warm up and cool down runs around 3 minutes per workout.  Also all three of these workout use weights. 
Pilates Fix is made up of a series of exercises as oppose to rounds.  Depending on the exercise you will do a left lead and then repeat with the right leading.

There is a beginner modifier in all the workouts.  Autumn demonstrates each move before the set begins. She may do 3 to 4 reps with you and then she stops to coach the class participants.  Besides Autumn, there is 6 class participants.
Overall the workouts are okay. On some of the exercises, I did find doing the exercise for a minute a bit boring but for the most part the workouts moved pretty quickly.  There is a music off option and there are lots of advertisements of various beach body products.

Total Body Cardio Fix - 3 stars
Upper Fix - 3 & 3/4 stars
Lower Fix - 4 Stars
Pilates Fix - 3 & 1/2 stars


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