Jane Fonda Step Aerobics and Abdominal Workout - Thoughts

Jane Fonda Step Aerobics and Abdominal Workout video contains a 45 minute step workout led by Laurel, Jeanne and Mark and a 10 minute abdominal workout led by Jane Fonda.

The step aerobics workout is an easy to follow workout with simple combinations.  The workout starts off slow (half time) and gradually builds up as you proceed from combo to combo. Mark, Jeanne and Laurel take turns teaching a combination that it set to a particular tune.

As you are doing the workout they will call your attention to particular side of the room. The people on the right were doing low impact moves (arms lower, not jumping) and the people on the left were doing high impact moves (more are moves, adding jumps to some of the combos).

Love, love, love the soundtrack.  Each tune feature high energy music and - variety too - jazz, dance, country are some of the genres featured in this workout.
The second workout is abdominals and it is all done on the floor. This segment uses the step as well and featured exercises for the upper ab region, the lower region and obliques.

Nice workout
3 & 1/2 stars


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