Kristin Dowell Dressed Up Drills - Thoughts

Dressed Up Drills is a long one.  I did the workout in two parts.  If you do the workout in its entirety in one session, the workout clocks in at over 80 minutes.

So Dressed Up Drills is a series of drill moves combine to make a combination. If you do just the drills by themselves, Kristin calls them "just drills". When you add all the drills together, Kristin call this "dressed up drills".   Hence the title. 

The DVD Title Menu has the following options:
Start Workout
Just Drills Workout & Pre-mixes
Dressed Up Drills Workout & Pre-Mixes
Mix & Match
Music on/off

Just Drills Workout and Pre-Mixes, this section of the DVD features 11 different workout combinations and Dressed Up Drills Workout has 14 different workout combinations. So there are lots of options.

The Mix & Match options breaks down as follows:
Warm UP                                 All Cardio/Drills Combined
Cardio One                              Body Weight One
Cardio Two                              Body Weight Two
Cardio Three                            Body Weight Three
Cardio Four                              Body Weight Four
Cardio Five                              Flexibility

The drills are basic choreography and even when they are dressed up, the combinations of are still pretty basic.  It does get a bit repetitive because you are drilling these moves 8 to 16 reps and then you repeat it all on the other side. This pattern can be found throughout the workout.
Along with Kristin, there are two other cast members - Alison (she is performing high impact advance moves) and Carole (she is your beginner modifier).  Kristen does the intermediate to advance moves and she offers tips and coaching as she instructs the various segment.

The body weight exercises are functional in nature and quite a bit of the moves are done on the floor (think planks, sit or kick outs). Kristin also throws in some balance work. The flexibility segment is your cool down stretch segment.

Nice soundtrack. A mat is used in the workout.

This workout is okay. Other than thinking the main workout too long (pre-mixes address this) and thinking some of the segments too repetitive, it is a decent workout.

3 & 1/4 stars


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