Core Rhythms Swing Sensation - Review

Core Rhythms Swing Sensation stars Jaana Kunitz and Julia Powers as your instructor.  This workout clocks in at around 46 minutes and features some intense core action in the various segments.

Jaana and Julia takes you through three basic tempos:
Half time  -  At Tempo   - Double Time.
They show basic versions of the moves as well as its high impact version.
You perform all moves first on the left and then on the right.

This workout requires a lot of arm/shoulder endurance. I was really feeling it in the shoulders trying to hold the arm positions.

The workout also contains intensifiers that really get the heart rate up. Jaana and Julia calls them "sprints".  Sometimes Jaana and Julia will get a little spastic in this part of the workout.

Love the music. Love the vibe of the workout.  The workout is choreograph tightly to the rhythms of the music. 

The sections of the workout are:
Warm Up
Cool Down.

The cool down is a Pose Doble tempo and is quite long.  I felt like I was still in the main part of the workout up until the last two minutes when Jaana begin the stretching.

I am a fan of the Core Rhythm workouts and I like this on as well.
3 & 3/4 stars


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