Kelly Coffey-Meyer RAW More Than Just Strength (60 is the New 40)

In Kelly's newest RAW series (60 is the New 40), Kelly has release two DVDs.  More Than Just Strength features two workouts. 

Workout One:  RAW "Heavy Up and Move"
Workout Two:  RAW "Balance, Strength & Core"

In Heavy Up and Move, Kelly and Kaitlyn, take you through a series of heavy weighted timed exercises.  Between the heavy weight work, Kelly intersperses cardio interval that Kelly calls "cardio accelerations".   Kelly demonstrates each exercise. You perform each exercise for 45 seconds. There are two sets.  Dumbbells are used. 

In Balance, Core, & Strength, Kelly go solo in this workout. She uses dumbbells and a band, taking you through three sets of each exercise. It appears that you are doing six sets, because for most exercises you are doing three sets on the leading left and three sets leading right. Balances moves are incorporated into most exercises. 

More Than Just Strength - 3 & 1/4 stars
Balance, Core, & Strength - 3 & 3/4 stars


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