BeachBody Fire & Flow with Jericho McMatthews and Elise Joan - Thoughts

From the website:  FIRE AND FLOW alternates strength and cardio days with low-impact body-shaping recovery days to help you achieve the results you want, while helping you relax and reduce stress.

This program is offered through  The program comes with:

  1. Step-By-Step Guide
  2. Workout Calendar
  3. Fire and Flow 4-week journal
  4. Twenty-four 30-minute workouts.  12 of which are Fire workouts. 12 are Flow workouts.
  5. Eight 15-minute bonus workouts.  Four are Fire Bonuses and Four are Flow Bonuses.
  6. Quick Start Nutrition Guide
  7. How 2B Mindset works ....
  8. How Portion Fix works......
  9. How Gut Protocol works.....
The instructors are Jericho McMatthews and Elise Joan.  Jericho leads the Fire workouts and Elise leads the Flow workouts.  Jericho and Elise are not in each other workouts. There are four additional cast members and these cast members appear in all the workouts. One cast member shows advanced progression and there is a cast member that shows beginner modifications. The other two cast members show intermediate versions of the exercise.

I love the set. I think it is is the best Beach Body set to date. 
I have already done one week of workouts, and I will come back next week (for a midway check-in) to talked about the first two weeks of the program.


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