The Ying Yang Fusion Workout with Guillermo Gomez and Jessica Smith

The Yin Yang Fusion Workout.

I have had the DVD for ages. I thought I had done it before but did not find a review for it.  I did it this week as an add-on. 

The DVD contains five 15-minute workouts.  All the workout had a martial arts influences.  The DVD Menu

(1) Cardio:  Expansion & Contraction
(2) Total Body:  Strength & Flexibility
(3) Lower Body:  Rhythm & Balance
(4) Core:  Power & Flow
(5) Relax:  Movement & Stillness
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Guillermo Gomez leads workout 1 Cardio Expansion & Contraction.  This workout is kickboxing based.  Guillermo teaches a combo that  he repeats on the right and then the left.  This workout reminded me of his longer Fat Burning Kickboxing workouts.  Very easy to do and follow. Guillermo is the only cast member in this workout.  3 & 3/4 stars

Total Body Strength & Flexibility is lead by Jessica Smith.  This is a body weight workout for the total body. Jessica performs various drill-based exercises from a variety of positions. Uppercuts, horse-stand punches, side leg kicks, low squats, shoulder pushups, dynamic warrior three, squat thrust, bridge reach over, and side plank kick-outs are some of the exercises. 3 & 1/2 stars

Lower Body Rhythm & Balance is lead by Guillermo. He starts you out with a inner thigh/groin stretch series. Then you move into a set of squats. After the squats, Guillermo teaches you a mini side-kick, knee bob & weave combo. You do the combo on the left and then repeat in the right.  Guillermo intersperse another set before the repeating the combo on the right and after repeating the combo on the right.  The workouts concludes with a chi series.  3 & 3/4 stars

Workout 4 Core Power & Flow is lead by Jessica.  Jessica includes standing exercises and floor exercises. Standing exercises include trunk twist, side knee crunch, side leg lift, knee to elbow,  Some of the floor exercises include seated crescent kick, lying crisscross, seated cross punch roll downs, plank pikes, and variations on the teaser move.   3 & 3/4 stars

 Workout five is Relax Movement & Stillness. Both Guillermo and Jessica are in workout (5) but the workout is primarily lead by Guillermo.  Workout is slow moving. It starts with a series of breath work and chi postures.  You move on to a series of movement that included stretches for the inner thigh/groin, backbend, and palms.  Up dog, child pose, plank pose and crescent lunge follows.. The workout concludes with meditation and the workout just ends with them telling you that you can stay in the meditation for as long as you want.  4 stars


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