10 Minute Solution Kettlebell Ultimate Fat Burner - Thoughts

10 Minute Solution Kettlebell Ultimate Fat Burner is lead by Michelle Olsen.  Despite the title and DVD cover this workout does not use a kettlebell. Although, Michelle does reference the use of the kettlebell though out the workout.
She uses a dumbbell for all the moves.

The five 10-minute workouts are:
Maximum Fat Burner
Upper Body Power Sculpt
Thigh & Buns Blaster
Total Body Sculpt
Accelerated AB Toner

I used the create a workout function of the DVD and made a 30 minute workout I did one day, and a 20 minute workout I did another day.

In Maximum Fat Burner, Michelle intersperses cardio break with dynamic kettlebell style exercises.  Some of the combos in this segment included, single arm swing sequence, double arm swing sequence, bicep curl with kettlebell squat, and double arm swing + squat + Over Head Press.

Upper Body Sculpt contain the following exercises:  weighted halo, weighted twist, one arm swing into high pull, clean press sequence, and lunge, knee overhead press.

Thigh and Bun Blaster featured various squats, dips and lunges variations such as figure 8 and  renegade squats.

The exercises in Accelerated Ab Toner were push ups, roll ups, Russian twist, and side planks. You repeat the series twice.

In Total Body Sculpt, you do halos, one arm swings, one arm snatch and squat, squat press, lunge, purse snatch and plies with upright rows.

Probably my favorite workout of the bunch was Total Body Sculpt.  Michelle was pleasant and cued very well. The only thing I did not like  was between some of the exercises there was a lot of putting the dumbbell down and picking it back up with very little time between the action. Overall, I like the whole series of workouts.

Maximum Fat Burner - 3 & 3/4 stars
Upper Body Power Sculpt - 3 & 3/4 stars
Thigh & Buns Blaster - 3 & 3/4 stars
Total Body Sculpt - 4 stars
Accelerated AB Toner - 3 stars


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