10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates

10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates is lead by Suzanne Bowen.  This workout utilizes a resistance band in all the segment and each segment actually clocks in under that 10-minute mark.
The workouts are:
Lower Body Pilates
Upper Body Pilates
Pilates for Abs
Total Body Pilates
Pilates for Flexibility

Lower Body Pilates started off with some hamstring stretching and then move into the following exercises typically alternating lead legs:  single leg work, frog, side leg lift, 3-point lift, inner thigh, donkey kick, reverse plank leg lift and bridge pulse.

Upper Body Pilates  workout packed in a lot in 10 -minutes. You perform the following moves:  shoulder circles, zip ups, bug, boxing, bicep curl and hold, straight arm back lift, lat raise, circle front and back, draw the sword. paint under the stairs, bicep press up, chest press, and beach ball press.

Exercises in Pilates for Abs include Pilates 100, roll down, oblique roll down twist, roll like a ball, hip lift and roll, single leg stretch series, and double leg stretch series.

Total Body Pilates included the following exercises:  single leg (front, back combo) work, bent over row, lateral raise, balance warrior, kneeling side series, triceps push ups, side plank, leg circle, and can can. 

In Pilates for Flexibility, Suzanne uses the band to increase the stretch.She hits all the major muscle groups.

Overall I like these workouts. I have had this DVD for quite sometime but I would only do the flexibility segment routinely.  Typically, pilates exercises are challenging for me and I definitely felt the burn doing several of the moves..

Lower Body Pilates - 3 & 3/4 stars
Upper Body Pilates - 3 & 3/4 stars
Pilates for Abs - 3 stars
Total Body Pilates - 3 & 3/4 stars
Pilates for Flexibility - 3 & 1/2 stars


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