Strong by Zumba - Thoughts

Zumba Strong is a 60-minute high-intensity cardio and toning workout. The toning exercises are bodyweight only - no equipment is used. The entire workout is set to the beat of the music. Often the instructor, Ai Lee Syarief will introduce you to a move at a slower tempo and then she increases the pace at which you perform the move.
You are doing all moves at least twice through per lead.
There is a warm up and cool down. Between the warm up and cool down the workout is broken up into four quadrants. The quadrants are:

  1. Ignite
  2. Fire Up
  3. Push Your Limits
  4. Floor Play
Within each quadrant, there are tracks, Each track is a song.  Prior to the start of a track, subtitle bar appears on the left to tell you what exercises you will be performing for that track. Between each quadrant, there is a mini recharge segment that serves as your recovery. 

Along with bodyweight moves, many of the moves performed are inspired by mixed martial arts.  The choreography is easy to follow but there are several challenging moves throughout the workout. There is a progress mechanism to the right of the screen that is there to indicate where you are in the workout. Personally, I would have just preferred a countdown clock.

Along with Ai Lee, there are four other cast members, although one of the cast members is there only for a couple of the tracks. I did not understand the purpose of having her come in and out.  Ai Lee did an excellent job cuing the workout, but towards the end of the workout, she started to annoy me with her interaction with the cast members. Too many times, she was asking the cast "where they were at?", or that she "didn't hear them".
There is a modifier who showed modifications for much of the workout. The set looks like a dungeon.  The soundtrack is awesome.  Overall, I really like this workout and thought it an excellent workout.

4 & 1/2 stars


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