Tracie Long Grand Total Vol 1 Going Strong - Thoughts

Grand Total Vol 1 Going Strong is a 45-minute metabolic sculpting workout.  The workout is divided up into 8 chapters. Some of the chapters are interval based
The chapters are:
  1. Warm up
  2. Power Step
  3. Split Squats
  4. Fast Cardio
  5. Squats
  6. Upper Body
  7. Floor Work
  8. Stretch
This workout uses a club step and dumbbells.
The workout starts with about a two minute stretching -slightly dynamic warm up.   The power step segment is one of your intervals. Tracie mixes power step work with weight work. Some of the exercises are power jumps, plank burpees, dead lift row, split jump squats, and side squats.
The split squat segment is mostly strength training. You are doing a series split squats along with push up step outs, french press, brake squats and plank work.

In fast cardio you are using the top of the step.  In this segment, you are working on and around the step.  The squat segment requires the use of a prop (some type of step, box or chair). You are doing single leg squats from the prop.  You are also doing leg lifts, donkey kicks and rear delt flys.

The upper body work is chest and triceps. For floor work, you are doing side planks, side leg lifts and shootouts and rib cage pullovers with a lower body crunch.   The workout concludes with about a 5 minute stretch.

Some of the segments were tough but I felt each segment had a long lead time. After each segment, Tracie takes you back to the menu where she highlights the next segment. This gave you added rest.  Also, for some of the segments, it seamed as if we were waiting for a certain spot in the music to start. Speaking of the music, it is pretty good and new.  By new, I mean new for Tracie as she tends to reuse quite a bit of her music selections.

 I like this workout quite a bit and thought it flowed well. As usual, Tracie gives great instruction. While I thought the soundtrack was great, I felt the sound was uneven in certain parts. The set was busy and some of the camera angles were a bit out of place. But overall, great vibe and solid workout.

3 & 3/4 stars


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