Sahra Esmonde-White Essentrics Body Sculpting Series - Review

Essentrics Body Sculpting Series is lead by Sahra Esmode-White.  There are three workouts on one DVD.  Sahra states that each workout is a total body workout but each workout has a particular emphasis.
The workouts are:
  • Ultimate Leg Sculptor
  • Ab Flattening & Waist Shaping
  • Arm Blast & Posture Boost

Ultimate Leg Sculptor workout includes standing and mat work. After the warm up, Sahra takes you through a series of Essentric trademark exercises which included lunge reaches (simulated elastic pull downs) and figure 8s. A plies series follow. This puts you at the 9 minute mark of the workout.
You then move to the floor for a series of table top leg exercises.  Donkey kicks, leg lifts, hamstring curls, leg pumps and side kicks are the exercises.  There is also lying side leg work. In this section, Sahra alternates working the outer and inner thigh and glute area using traditional Essentrics lengthening exercises.  The workout concludes with seated stretches for the quad, hip, glute and groin area.

Ab Flattening and Waist Shaping.  The workout starts with an upbeat warm up.  Sahra moves into waist work.  Going around the beach ball, windshield wipers, and side lunge waist sweep reaches are  the exercises Sahra uses to work the waist.  Sahra also includes a series of plies with side reaches to further work the waist and the legs.  Sahra then takes you down to the floor for some traditional ab work. In this part of the workout, you are working upper and lower abdominal and obliques.  There is a series of lying side waist exercises that also include inner thigh work.   Sahra works at a slower tempo to increase resistance.  This workout concludes with an extended stretch performed in the prone and seated positions for the back and core.

Arm Blast & Posture Boost workout is broken up into two segments.  Segment one is standing and segment two is barre.  Sahra starts off with an Essentrics style warm-up.   Exercises to follow include spine and posture stretches, shoulder blast, arm series 1, kicks, waist side work, and arm series 2.  Next come the barre series. This segment uses a chair. The exercises in this segment include:  hamstring and hip stretches, row the boat, spine twist, quad and lower back stretches.

All three workouts are filmed on a beach in Jamaica making for a very scenic set. The music is a selection of upbeat tempos.  I enjoyed these workouts and found a few of the exercises quite challenging.

Ultimate Leg Sculptor –  4 stars
Ab Flattening & Waist Shaping – 3 & 3/4 stars
Arm Blast & Posture Boost - 4 & 1/4 stars


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