Michelle Dozois Cardio Interval Burn Studio V.1 - Thoughts

Cardio Interval Burn Studio V.1 is a 55-minute high-intensity interval workout.
In this CIB version, Michelle takes you through a warm up, 4 cardio blocks, and a cool down.
Except for the last cardio block, CIB Studio V1 is set up similarly to the other CIB workouts in that you have a base camp, ascent, climb, and peak.  There are bell sounds that indicate when you are about to transition to the next phase.

The base camps are very brief. The peaks are longer than in the Cardio Strength workouts.

Block 1 contains floor work and the peak move is a hitch kick back kick.
Block 2 contains floor work and the peak move is a power squat power jump.
Block 3 contains floor work and the peak move is a figure 8 squat.
Block 4 contains floor work, 2 climbs, and 2 peaks. The peak moves are front kick hops and planks to frog jump.  The pattern for block 4 is base camp (very brief), ascent, climb 1, peak 1, climb2, peak 2.  So this setup is different than in other CIB workouts.

Most of the floor work is some type of plank push up, plank sit through, or mountain climber core rotation type of move.
This workout does have a Movement Breakdown section in which Michelle breaks down two of the more complicated floor moves you will see in the workout.

I like most of this workout.  It is a super high energy workout with great music.  There is a modifier.
This workout is a download streaming only workout.

4 stars


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