Donna Flagg Advanced Lastics - Thoughts

Advanced Lastics is the second workout or next level in the lastics system.  I started the review of the first Lastics workout with a gripe.  With Advanced Lastics, I do not have that gripe.
This is a DVD workout, and it comes with the options of it being a DVD workout.
In fact there is a menu with several options you can choose from.
Play All
Warm Up
Neck, Back, & Side Stretch
Back, Chest & Shoulders
Full Body with Splits

The entire workout clocks in at hour and 17 minutes. So it is a long one. I did the workout in two parts.  I did all the segments except for Full Body with Splits on Saturday and then on Sunday after my 5 mile treadmill run I did the Full Body with Splits segment.

One of the things I don't think I mentioned in the review of the first Lastics workouts but notice it again in Advanced Lastics is that Donna does not mirror cue.  It is not really a big deal with this type of workout - just something I like to mentioned.

Again, Donna delivers expert and precise instruction as she takes you through the various segments.  For the less flexible, which I certainly am, the workout is challenging.  Even when we were doing simple stretches like stretching the neck or the ankles, I felt the challenge as I was trying to execute the moves as Donna was describing them.

What I like about the workout is the segments felt like they flew by to me. Usually with stretch, pilates, or yoga type workouts, the pace tends to move slower  making the workout feel long.

Along with Donna, there are two other cast members showing various levels and/or modifications of stretching.
The set is better - more pleasing to my eyes. The music - it's background.  Donna tell you that after you have done the workout for awhile, you can turn her off, turn off the sound and put on your own tunes.

Another good stretch workout.
4 stars


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