Jeanette Jenkins Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt with Kelly Rowland

Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt with Kelly Rowland is a 85-minute total body workout that is lead by Jeanette Jenkins and it features singer Kelly Rowland.  Along with Jeanette and Kelly, there are three other cast members. One cast members does show beginner modifications.

The DVD menu
Play All with music
Play All without Music, Instruction Only
     Chapter 1 - Warm up
     Chapter 2 - Metabolic Boost
     Chapter 3 - Total Body Blast
     Chapter 4 - Amazing Arms & Legs
     Chapter 5 - Bye Bye Love Handles
     Chapter 6 - Beautiful Back
Chapter 7 - Booty Patrol
Chapter 8 - Super Calorie Burner
Chapter 9 - Long, Lean, & Toned
Chapter 10 - Abs, Butt, & Thigh Blaster
Chapter 11 - Ab Smash
Chapter 12 - Lengthen & Meditation

Most chapters are 5 minutes in length. Chapters 9, 10, 11, & 12 are 7 minutes long.  All the chapters feature a countdown clock except for Chapter 12.  At the beginning of each chapter, Kelly or Jeanette gives a brief introduction to the chapter.

The exercises vary by chapter. In some chapters, you are doing primarily sculpting moves, in other chapters, the focus is cardio and some chapters you do a combinations of both cardio and sculpting. In the cardio sculpt chapters, Jeannette does take you down to the floor (planks, mountain climbers) quite a bit. Some of the cardio moves include running in place as fast as you can and kickboxing.

Chapter 9 is standing and focuses on the  abs, waist, and legs. Chapter 10 starts out standing and ends on the floor and this chapter also focuses on the abs, waist and legs..  Chapter 11 is all floor based abdominal training.

The workout uses a pair of dumbbells. The set is big and bright. The music is up tempo techno/dance.

I like this workout. My only complaint is that it is a long workout but with that said,. it is well chapter so you can just choose the segments you want to do.

4 stars


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