BeachBody Core de Force Disc 3 - Review

There are four workouts included on disc 3. 

MMA Power clocks in at 46:58. There is a Learn It and Work It segment that is about 4 minutes.  This segment teaches you the moves in MMA Power.
MMA Power consist of  the standard 2-minute warm up, twelve 3-minute rounds, and a 3-minute cool down.  In each round you are doing two sets of moves that you repeat twice through.  The first set of moves is a MMA combo featuring strikes, punches, knees, kicks etc.  The second set of moves is a spike to get the heart rate up. This is a similar format to some of the other Core de Force workout.

MMA Plyo also has a Learn It & Work It segment that is 3 & 1/2 minutes long.  The main workout clocks in at 46:58.  There is a warm up, 12 rounds, and a cool down.  Each of the rounds are 3-minutes.  You are doing a combo move for 60 seconds, a spike move for 30-seconds and then you repeat both moves before you move to the next round.  In this workout, Joel and Jericho do add in more non-dominant training so you are switching sides or leads the second time through the round.
Also in MMA Plyo, all the spikes are repeated, meaning the spike move you do for rounds 1-6, you repeat these same spike moves rounds 7-12.

Active Recovery is the third workout and it clocks in at around 21 minutes.  The first 10-minutes starts with MMA moves to get the heart rate up. The second 10-minutes conclude with a series of stretches.

5-Min Core on the Floor is the same workout that was on disc 1 and 2.

MMA Power - 3 & 1/4 stars
MMA Plyo - 3 & 1/2 stars
Active Recovery - 3 & 3/4 stars


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