Kelly Coffey Meyers Home Gym Intervals - Thoughts

30 Minutes To Fitness Home Gym Intervals is a workout that alternates cardio and weights.  What makes this DVD workout a little different is that the cardio segments utilize cardio equipment such as a treadmill, spin bike or elliptical machine.  Really any cardio equipment that you have will work.  Kelly is using the treadmill as her cardio machine.  Along with Kelly, there are three cast members.  One cast member is on the Elliptical, one  a spin bike and another a Treadmill.

Just like the previous 30-Minute To Fitness workouts, Home Gym Intervals include two 30 minute workouts and several premixes.

The DVD gives you the following options:
Workout One
Workout Two
Music On/Off

Workouts one and two are self contained in that the each have their own warm up and cool down.
Workout One clocks in at just under 33 minutes and Workout Two just under 29 minutes.

The Premixes are:
Combined Workouts 55 minutes
Kelly's Combined Mix One - 33 minutes
Kelly's Combined Mix Two - 27 minutes
Split Up# 1 - 30 Minutes
Split Up#2 - 31 Minutes
All Dumbbell Mix - 27 Minutes

The workout I did was the Combined Workouts Premix.  The only thing to note is that when the workout cuts over to workout two it skips the first weight exercise which was the biceps curl with squats.  Oh, one more thing is that the Combine Workout Premix also includes the Bonus Waistline segment.

I really like the workout.  Kelly sense of humor was in full force and the workout flew bye.  I used my treadmill as my cardio machine. 
4 &  1/2 stars


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